In Tangelo you can add block tags. Block tags are mostly used to tag text information in your report.
Currently block tags can be added per section (a section can be a section, chapter, paragraph, subparagraph, subsubparagraph, etc), or for a specific element inside such a section, for example a highlight block with accounting policies.
Tagging in Tangelo is very easy, straightforward and quick.
What are block tags?
ESMA defines block tags as following:
In a block tag, the content of an entire section of a report is tagged as a single fact. The tag may include text, numerical values, tables and other data. The phrase “block tag” refers to the fact that the whole disclosure is tagged as a single block — any numbers or tables within the note are not individually tagged.
Read more on:
What information should I tag?
All information that could be tagged by the tags in the Annex II of the RTS on ESEF should be tagged. These are typically subjects covered in the Notes to the consolidated financial statements and Accounting policies.
If your report contains notes on subjects not covered in this list, there is no requirement to tag these with a different tag or extension.
See the ESEF Reporting Manual pages 24-27 for more guidance on how these tags should be placed.
How to set block tags in Tangelo
You typically set a block tag on a section in Tangelo (paragraph/subparagraph/etc). The tag will apply to this complete section and any sections within. If you describe multiple subjects in a single section and using headings to mark the start of the next subject, you may want to split this into multiple subsections instead. Please contact us if you encounter situations where this is not (yet) possible: for example because you are already at the subsubparagraph level.
To set up tagging to to your document and click on the label button
in the top ribbon

Tangelo will now display a gray box at the top of a section, displaying the tagging for that specific section. Also this mode enables the display of tags on paragraphs or elements as well.

To set a block tag go to a section in Tangelo, just click on the gray bar or any block tags that are displayed there, then the list of block tags will appear.

Type part of the tag or scroll through the list. Select the block tag(s) that best describes the note/content that you are tagging and click Apply. Then the block tag is added to the current section.
A complete list of block tags in Tangelo can be found here: List of available block tags.
Paragraphs, titles, elements and other things to tag
In the tagging mode elements that already have a tag will show up. To edit them simply click on them and repeat the steps to tag a chapter as described earlier.
If an item does not have a block tag already, then first add one. To do so open the properties of that item in the properties pane on the right side of the screen.

There, locate the attribute "Esef - block tag" and click on the add-button. The field will now change into a pencil as seen below:

To view the list of available block tags now click on the pencil icon. Tangelo will show a list of available block tags to be used based on the list of ESMA.
Block tags will appear above the element, to edit them, simply click on them to add or remove tags. This can be done with almost all elements in Tangelo.

Block tagging of headings/titles
Before applying a tag to a title, you should consider if this is the best way of tagging. A title typically belongs to a (sub)paragraph or highlight block in Tangelo, and that should be tagged in its entirety instead. By tagging the entire (sub)paragraph or highlight block, anything inside will be tagged as such, including the title. This is a setup that is more maintainable in the future, keeping the entire object tagged as such, also when more content is added.
This could mean that you need to change the structure of your document, and create a new level of (sub)paragraphs using the options in the Tangelo table of contents instead of using headings.
Multiple block tags
To select multiple block tags just select more block tags in the list. They will be automatically added to your block tag.
Changing or removing a block tag
To change a block tag, make sure you are in tagging mode and click on the block tag that has to change or removed. In the pop up window, click on the cross right of the tag to remove the block tag.
Add another tag by typing in the name of the block tag on the bottom.

Alternatively to change a block tag as above remove the block tag from the section by clicking the trashcan-icon. This will clear the block tag. You can now select a new block tag.
More and in-depth information about block tagging: