Numbering of sections, chapters, paragraphs Numbering of sections, chapters, paragraphs

Numbering of sections, chapters, paragraphs

Tangelo can automatically number sections, chapters, paragraphs, subparagraphs and subsubparagraphs. 

By default numbering is turned off in a document, unless otherwise configured as per request of the customer. 


Turn on numbering

To add numbering to a chapter open the chapter in Tangelo, then go to the Properties pane on the right and from the pull down menu select Section. This will show the section properties. The section properties will be in the same spot for sections, chapters, paragraphs, subparagraphs, etc. 



Find the Numbering property and click on the pull down menu. 



Select the type of numbering you would like to be applied and Tangelo will apply it to your chapter. 


Restarting or breaking numbering

You can restart numbering or select the level of numbering you want to use. 

When a chapter or paragraph (for instance in the notes section) does not need a number, but is in between numbered chapters of paragraphs, then simply go to that chapter / paragraph and remove numbering. Tangelo will remove the number from that specific chapter / paragraph and will continue numbering after. 


Removing or skipping numbering

To remove numbering, simply click on the trashcan at the Numbering property in the Property pane

This has to be done with every chapter / paragraph / subparagaph, etc. 


Other numbering options

In some configurations, customers can also specify the numbering itself. For example, nummeric, Roman or a specific numbering method. This property will be located under the Numbering property. 


Tips and tricks

Often while building a new document, numbering is something that is needed. A simple trick to create a quick structure that has numbered paragraph for example, is to create a chapter, then create one paragraph inside the chapter. Choose for Yes restart consecutive numbering. Then create another paragraph and choose for Yes, only current levels. Copy the last paragraph, and paste is as much paragraphs are needed. Tangelo will automatically number every paragraph accordingly. The structure is in place and this saves time in building the rest of your document. 

This is especially handy for creating the notes in your financial report.