How to use data source fields How to use data source fields

How to use data source fields

Just like you can linked a table from Excel it is also possible to link data source fields from Excel, to easily keep track of the key figures and other ratios.

See below for more information on the steps involved.


⚠️ Before we continue: creating NEW data source fields requires the steps described below. But when you want to update existing data source fields these steps are not necessary anymore and you can continue with step 2 of uploading the Excel data and synchronising.


1) Enter the data source fields values in Excel

Follow the steps below in Excel to setup the data source fields:

2) link the data source field in the Tangelo document at the right location in the text:

  • enter a dummy text (eg. #field1) and select it (1)
  • choose the 'Data source field' option from the menu (2)

  • the 'choose data source' popup opens, navigate to the worksheet where the data source fields are present, and select the data source field label, and confirm by clicking '':
  • the selected value will be displayed in the editor and the named label will be mentioned in the link details: