File size checks for generated Tangelo PDF files File size checks for generated Tangelo PDF files

File size checks for generated Tangelo PDF files

Sometimes, generated Tangelo PDF files can have an unnecessarily large file size, which significantly increases the time required for PDF generation and download. This large PDF file size is typically caused by the large file sizes of the images and PDF insert files used. For good image quality, these large file sizes are often unnecessary. Usually, 250-300 dots per inch (dpi/ppi) is sufficient. 

When a generated Tangelo PDF file exceeds the recommended size of 20-30 megabytes (MB), the first step involves identifying the pages that contribute to its large file size using Adobe Acrobat or comparable software.

  1. From the View menu, select the Organize Pages option.

  2. Then, check the ‘extract pages as separate files’ option.

  3. Finally, extract the files and sort them by file size. 

  4. Open the largest PDF files discovered in the previous step and locate their respective sections within the Tangelo document:

  5. Locate the images and/or PDF insert files used in these sections and replace the larger versions with smaller ones:

Note: If you don’t have the necessary software, you can also ask the Tangelo Supportdesk to perform steps 1-4 above.