List of text tags (hypertags/inline tags) List of text tags (hypertags/inline tags)

List of text tags (hypertags/inline tags)

Below is the list of inline text tags to be used in Tangelo. See Setting General data and hyper tagging for ESEF for how to apply this to your document. Use this list as a reference so mark down the used tags. For a correct filing all the relevant tags need to tagged in the correct parts of the text. 

If a specific tag cannot be used, for example because there is no parent entity, you should ignore it. The ESEF validation will still show warnings about this, but these can be ignored.

Please note that these tags can only contain text, they are not allowed to contain tables for example.

  1. Name of reporting entity or other means of identification
  2. Explanation of change in name of reporting entity or other means of identification from end of preceding reporting period
  3. Domicile of entity
  4. Legal form of entity
  5. Country of incorporation
  6. Address of entity's registered office
  7. Principal place of business
  8. Description of nature of entity's operations and principal activities
  9. Name of parent entity
  10. Name of ultimate parent of group
  11. Length of life of limited life entity
  12. Explanation of departure from IFRS
  13. Explanation of financial effect of departure from IFRS
  14. Explanation of fact and basis for preparation of financial statements when not going concern basis
  15. Explanation of why entity not regarded as going concern
  16. Description of reason for using longer or shorter reporting period
  17. Description of fact that amounts presented in financial statements are not entirely comparable
  18. Explanation of sources of estimation uncertainty with significant risk of causing material adjustment