Since Tangelo 5.2 users can create user groups. 

Within Tangelo you can set privileges to users, but also to user groups. For example a document that contains the management report and the financial report. This document would have an extensive list of users that all needed to be managed. Now, however, you can simply add management users to a group called management, and financial users to a group called financial and only those groups privileges to specific parts of the document. 


How to create user groups

Open the user management in Tangelo. 



There on the right side of the screen, next to the blue add button the group button is located mceclip0.png


Here user groups can be created, deleted or managed. 


Use the open field on the bottom to create a new user group: 



To complete, click on the plus sign on the right

The group now is created



Removing a user group

To remove a group simply click on the mceclip4.pngbutton next to the group. 


Adding or removing existing users to a group

In the user group screen, click the back button on the right side of the screen in Tangelo mceclip5.pngto go back to the user management.

There select the user to add to the user group and click on Group memberships. 



Now type in the groups name and the user will be added to the specific group.  Repeat for all users you would like to add in the group. To remove, remove the group names in the Group memberships field. 


Adding new users to a group

When adding new users, you can directly add them to a specific group of multiple groups. Type in the Group memberships in the field during of the Create users dialog screen. 




User groups can be granted privileges the same way as normal users.