xbrl. xbrl.



Calculation relationship has illegal weight 1.000.000 from ifrs-full:Dividend, debit, to ifrs-full:Dividend, credit, in link role https://yourURL/role/yourStatement(per 3.2 Table 6)


This error in the top of your log output and needs to be resolved, it causes an incorrect filing packages as it will also generate the following error: 


RTS on ESEF requires valid XBRL instances, 1 errors were reported.

Depending on your auditor, these can be ignored or should be addressed. 


The reason behind the illegal positive is that there is a value presented as debit but it should be credit, or it is changing from debit to credit or the other way around. In the example here above, Dividend with the value 1.000.000 should be a positive number, but is presented as a negative number, of the other way around. XBRL knows what items should be credit or debit and expects numbers to reflect that. However human readers need context as they do not know if a statement is a credit or debit statement. This often results in these errors.

The error also states where the number is located. In this case in chapter 3.2, table 6. That makes it easier to pinpoint the number. Pasting the ifrs-full:Dividend into the search bar of the inline viewer will cause you to jump to the correct number al well. 

In the report / statement the number will be written in a certain way for humans to be able to read it. For example dividend written as a negative number, while the number itself should be positive as the system automatically knows if its debit or credit here. 

In Tangelo under the cell properties, this situation can be reversed by using the "concept is negative" attribute:  (below: Esef - concept is n....)




This reverses the credit / debit value of a specific cell. 

Be careful as this also can generate other errors, since the system now handles the number differently. This can cause calculation errors on other statements.