Roll forward of a document in Tangelo Roll forward of a document in Tangelo

Roll forward of a document in Tangelo

In Tangelo, you have two options for starting a new document: from scratch or by performing a roll forward of an existing document.

A roll forward essentially creates a copy of the document, eliminating the need to start from scratch. You have the flexibility to choose whether to retain the data sources, copy them to a new data source, or remove them altogether. The same applies to the document’s authorisations.

Performing a roll forward

To perform a roll forward, open the document you wish to transfer. In the top-right corner of the document, click on the hamburger menu to access the Copy option.




After clicking “Copy,” Tangelo will prompt you with a few questions:

Copy authorization

This option allows you to copy the users who are authorized to the current document to the newly opened document.

Recommended: When checking this box, all privileges will be copied to the new document.

What to do with data sources (*)

Here, you can make your choices.:


Tangelo recommends the option to “Make a copy of data source” for a roll forward. As the name suggests, this option creates a new copy of the current data source. Upon selecting this option, Tangelo prompts you to provide a new name for the copy.


Enter a new name for the data source. Often, data sources include the reporting period, such as “2022 AR finance tables.” This indicates that the data source is for the fiscal year 2022 and contains financial tables for the annual report. When performing a roll forward, enter the new name. In this example, the copied data would be named “2023 AR finance tables.”




(*) See below for more information on the other options available.

Do not change With this option, Tangelo preserves the current connected tables within the current data sources. It only copies the document, ensuring that all tables and data fields remain unchanged and connected to the same data source as the original document.
Make copy of data source (recommended)

When selecting a copy of the existing data source, Tangelo automatically links all tables connected to the original data source to the new copied data source. It also reconnects data fields connected to the original data source.

You can now upload your Excel files to the new data source and sync your document, ensuring that all new data is included without the need to reconnect tables and data fields. Tangelo also utilizes the previously uploaded Excel file as a basis for populating the tables.

Change to other data source When choosing a change to another data source with a copy of the existing data source, Tangelo automatically connects to an existing data source. Tangelo prompts you to select the desired data source. If the tabs and named ranges in the Excel file align with the tables used in Tangelo, all tables and data fields will be populated correctly. If there are any mismatches, Tangelo prompts you during the table sync that missing tables are present.
Disconnect When selecting disconnect, Tangelo disconnects the data sources used in the current document. This results in tables containing data that are now disconnected from any data source. The data in these tables is fully editable, and updating the data source and syncing it will no longer update any table or data field in your document.


After clicking the red + button, Tangelo will begin copying the entire document. Depending on your preferences, it will either copy the document or connect to a different data source.


After the copying is complete, Tangelo automatically opens the newly created copy of the document. In the document description section of the properties, it now indicates that this document is a copy. To modify this description, simply click on it (1) and type in a new description. Additionally, ensure that you update the document title in the document root section (2).

Attention! When other documents are shared/included in the copy document

When a document being copied or rolled forwarded includes shared (or included) document sections, it’s generally advisable to copy the included document and update the shared document link to the newly copied shared document.

To copy the shared document, follow the same steps as described above, for instance, copying the ‘Financial Statements 2021’ to ‘Financial Statements 2022’ in the example below.

Next, navigate to the document using the shared document and click on the section using the shared document (refer to (1) below). Subsequently, modify the SHARE information on the right (refer to (2) below) accordingly.