You have selected a document to work on. Depending on your role, you may change or approve the content of this document by adding structure, editing sections or synchronising with data sources. If you have a manager role, you may authorise others to work on parts of this document.
1. Title and version
The title is obtained from the root section of your document. If the document has multiple versions, you can see a version label next to the title. The focus is always on the latest version of a document when you enter the "document" screen. You can click on the version label to access previous versions of the document.
2. Previous/Next
These buttons bring you to the previous or next document of this document type (you can also use the left/right arrow keys).
3. Create PDF
When you want to create a PDF of your document, you can configure a number of options before starting the process of generating the PDF. It is possible to select from the available style formats. Other options may be available, such as showing change history or tasks.
Depending on the contents, quality and complexity of the document, pdf generation could take a couple of seconds or a couple of minutes. Use the refresh button to view the latest status of the generation process.
4. Website preview
If your document can be published as a website, this button shows you a preview of the website. The preview starts at the home page (or the login page, if applicable).
5. Synchronise with a data source
If your document contains references to data sources, this button allows you to synchronise these references with the data in most recently uploaded data in the data source. You can restrict synchronisation to certain data sources in the popup window. The result of the synchronisation action is logged. This log can be copied for archiving purposes.
You can only perform this action on sections you have at least the 'contributor' role for, and with data sources you have at least the 'user' role for.
6. Menu options
Freeze | Freezes this version to prohibit editing, regardless the status of the document and its parts. The manager privilege is required to perform this action. |
Create new version | After a document is frozen, you can create a new version of that document. The version must be labelled and it is strongly recommended to use the version remarks. |
Copy |
Use this document version as a starting point for a completely new document. When copying, you can determine if you want to copy authorization privileges and how available data source references are reused. The create privilege is required for this action. |
Export |
Export the content of this document for other purposes. You can choose from the available export formats. |
Hide/unhide |
Hides the document for all users that do not have a manager privilege. With this option you do not have to remove privileges if you want to put the document in manager-only mode for a while. |
Delete |
Moves the document and all of its versions to the recycle bin. For a configurable period (default 60 days) you can restore the document from the recycle bin. The manager privilege is required to perform this action. |
7. Document and version properties
Shown in the top part of the screen, based on the selected document. Depending on your role, you may change or approve the content of this document by adding structure, editing sections or synchronising with data sources. If you have a 'manager' role, you may authorise others to work on parts of this document.
8. Collapsible panels
By collapsing the property panels you can create more space for the table of contents.
9. Document structure
Shown in the bottom part of the screen is the table of contents (TOC). It represents the document structure, which contains sections (represented by their title) and possibly sections at lower levels.
Section levels in the TOC can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the "+" or "-" icon to the left of the section name.
Pressing the CTRL key while clicking on the root section "+" or "-" icon expands or collapses all lower levels within this section.
Double clicking a section row opens the editor for this section, which can also be achieved by using the "edit" option in a section's context menu.
10. Section type
The section type determines content structure and other behaviour (status, authorization, output, document structure, etc).
11. Status
Current section status can be one of the following:
- in process (red): writing the section is not ready yet or not even started.
- ready (blue): the section has finished being edited and is ready for review. Editing resets the status to 'in process'.
- reviewed (dark red): the section has finished being reviewed. This is the only task that can be executed by a 'Reviewer'.
- approved (green): the content of the section is approved; users with (at least) the 'editor' role can apply this status. Writers cannot edit approved sections.
The normal status flow is: in process > ready > reviewed > approved.
12. Indicators
There are several indicators possible: section is locked, section uses a shared section from another document, section contains tasks. Move the cursor over an indicator to display more information.
13. Properties
Status: this property enables the status transition, depending on the users assigned privileges. The normal
status flow would be:
in process > ready > reviewed > approved.
Website: when your document can be published as a website, these properties allow you to manipulate a section's URL and appearance in website navigation.
14. Privileges
You can assign privileges to users or groups for each section of a document. You can also assign privileges for the top level section here. Typing the user or group name starts a search and displays the available users or groups from your search criteria.
Privileges set on a particular document section automatically apply to child sections.
Document type configuration determines for which levels (section types) authorization is applicable. For example, authorization can be set on document, chapter and subchapter levels, but not on the paragraph level beneath because this is not a section type but rather a part of the subchapter section type. In this case, privileges set on the subchapter level automatically apply to the paragraph level.
15. Share
You can share a section, which makes it available for use in other documents. The content of the section can only be edited in the current document but can be viewed and published in other documents.
When you include a shared section, it's content is shown instead of the content of your selected
section. Children of the shared section will also be shown here. You can only choose sections that have the same characteristics as the selected section if you want to include something here.
16. Tasks
For each document section, tasks can be assigned to users. This panel shows an overview of existing tasks, and contains the possibility to create new ones.
17. Audit
Any action that has been performed on a document section is being logged. In this overview, you can see for each action, on what moment and by whom it is performed.