How to tag values outside of tables How to tag values outside of tables

How to tag values outside of tables

In ESEF, there can be two reasons for tagging separate values, outside the context of a table:

  • If you are reporting numbers in a footnote of your primary financial statements, this then falls under the requirement of "detail-tagging" your complete primary financial statements
  • If you are reporting concepts from the Annex II list that are not of type "text" or "text block". For reports over 2022 and later the following concepts are in this category:
    • Dividends recognised as distributions to owners per share
    • Dividends proposed or declared before financial statements authorised for issue but not recognised as distribution to owners
    • Dividends proposed or declared before financial statements authorised for issue but not recognised as distribution to owners per share

To tag this information, open the editor in Tangelo, and select the value. Now use the ESEF menu on the Insert tab, and choose "ESEF Value".


After doing this, open the properties for this new element in the panel on the right.

You have to set at least the following values:

Container "Notes" in the case of information about dividends in your notes. In case of footnotes the corresponding Container, most likely the same container as the line the footnote reference is on.

The label as used in the Taxonomy, so for example "Dividends recognised as distributions to owners per share"


A custom label to identify this fact and look up the corresponding tag from the taxonomy in your taxonomy mapping.

Period Whether this is the value for the current year or the previous year

Please contact us if you have any questions on what properties to use for your specific situation.