Image library
Images are centrally stored and managed in the Image Library. Images are used as part of other content such as
documents, websites or news items. An image is stored only once. Using an image in other content refers to the image in the library. An image can be used multiple times.
Images are stored in a collection. A collection is a set of images grouped for logical or management purposes. Collections can be created and maintained by administrator users. The manager of a collection determines the available image types for that collection.
Images can be moved to another collection.
Image type
The quality and dimension properties are predefined by the image type of an image. There could be more than one version of an image with different levels of quality, which could be used for different publication requirements.
For example, an image could have a low resolution instance for web publication and a high resolution instance for print requirements. Minimum, maximum or exact dimension rules are predefined and are checked/applied with every image upload.
Image types are set up in the initial configuration.
Use the description for general information on this image. If the description is not filled while uploading the image, the file name is used.
Keywords are useful for labelling an image and retrieving it when writing content. For example: use the keywords "orange", "fruit", "healthy" for an image of an orange.
One for each output channel
An image in the image library is actually a set of variants of the image. There is an instance for each output channel, having it's own requirements (for example a minimum width of 800 pixels, or only the JPG format). The image variant used for PDF allows the use of vector images (PDF, EPS, SVG), next to the usual image formats.
You can find an image by searching for its description and keywords. A search can be restricted to specific image types or collections. The search result shows iconized images on the bottom of the screen (with a maximum of 15 per page).
The collection you want to store your image in restricts the available image types. Choosing the image type defines the size and dimension rules to be applied (see the info buttons). The image type has a direct influence on the number variants of an image to be uploaded, as well as if and how low resolution images are generated.