Files are used as part of a website or other content item (e.g. as a download) or in a document (e.g. as a supplement). A file is stored once. Using the file in other content means referring to the file. Files are stored in a collection, a set of files grouped for logical or management purposes. Only administrator users can create and maintain collections.
Each file has the following characteristics:
- the media type: a general categorization like video or audio;
- the file type: the file extension (e.g. .tiff or .xlsx);
- the editorial status: this can be either 'in process', 'ready' or 'approved';
- the publication phase: this can be either unpublished, published or expired depending on publication and expiry date settings (only approved files are published or expired).
The collection type of the collection determines which file and media types are allowed. The collection type is set up by custom configuration.
You can find a file by searching for the description and keywords of the file. You can restrict your search to file and media types, status, phase and/or collection. The search result can be sorted according to each column by double clicking the header.
Uploading requires at least the ‘editor’ role. The collection (and collection type) that you choose to store your file in restricts the file and media types that can be uploaded.
Manage collections
This button allows you to create new file collections, give users access to them, and export a full collection for use elsewhere.