How it works
In many cases, there is data in an Excel spreadsheet, or in another system or format, that should be presented inside a Tangelo document. For this purpose, data sources can be appointed, so data can be imported to a document.
Tangelo data synchronization is achieved by the following steps:
- Data sources are registered in Tangelo.
- Data sources are made accessible for Tangelo users by authorization.
- Files (e.g. Excel spreadsheets) are uploaded to Tangelo.
- Users connect Tangelo content (tables/text) to a data sheet in a data source.
- Synchronization takes care of updating connected content, using the last uploaded file for that data source.
One data source can be used for multiple documents. Otherwise, a Tangelo document might use multiple data sources for synchronizing content.
When selecting a data source, the last uploaded file and upload time are displayed. Select a file with extension .xslx from your file system and upload it.
Only the last uploaded file is available in the data source for connecting and synchronizing.
Manage data sources
Registration of a data source is necessary because Tangelo uses the data source type to define data
transformation rules. Configuration of a data source type depends on:
- the content and structure of the data source;
- the desired content output (table, text fields, graphs, lists, etc.).
Having multiple data sources registered can also be useful when the data in your document is managed and uploaded by different persons. It is possible to connect multiple data sources to one document.
Authorization is required after registration of a data source to allow others to work with the data source data.