Translating a Tangelo document using an external translator Translating a Tangelo document using an external translator

Translating a Tangelo document using an external translator

When Tangelo documents need to be translated by external parties/translators a few things are important to pay attention to.

IMPORTANT - technical requirement for the translation software:
  • When using this approach make sure the translator software can use the xmldata format
  • After the translation is finished by the translator it needs to be imported/added to the Tangelo system again in the same xmldata format.


  1. export Tangelo source file for translation - Using the Export menu (1) make sure the export file format 'Tangelo document' (2) is being used. After setting the format use the red button (3) to download the data file. 

  2. import translation file into Tangelo system - after the translation is finished it must be imported into the Tangelo system again as a new document. When this is completed a new translated Tangelo document is available in Tangelo for further use.

    The import requires a technical update by an engineer which must planned in advance with the Tangelo support desk. This planning requires some lead time, so if you have a tight schedule please have it scheduled as early as possible.


Test run To avoid surprises during the live import run, a test run is recommended some time before the live run.
Linked/Excel tables

Is the content of linked/Excel tables also translated by the external translator? Or are the translated tables managed in Excel and do these tables need to be relinked and synchronized again after the import?

In the latter case, further agreements about the named ranges that are used in the Excel are possible to save manual relinking afterwards, see example below.

In this case the original and translated financial data is kept in the Excel, with a named range language addition like '_NL' and '_ENG':

The original Tangelo document table link definition will use one language addition for the named ranges, see this 'PL_NL' example:

And during the import of the translated document into Tangelo the named range/'selection' of table link definition will be updated to another language, see this 'PL_ENG' example: