Working with Tangelo: a quick how-to Working with Tangelo: a quick how-to

Working with Tangelo: a quick how-to

This how-to will give a quick overview of the Tangelo application. For more detailled information please browse our Help Center. 


After you have logged in to Tangelo, the main screen will appear. 


Here Tangelo will show recent documents you have opened (if you are a new user this will be empty), available document types and on the top right of your screen it shows tabs with options within Tangelo, depending on your role in the system. 


Recently viewed by you displays documents you have recently opened. This list wil be populated by documents you have opened and is therefor prone to change. The list includes all documents from all document types. 

All documents displays available document types. A document type is a type of branded document. Every document type contains the layout information of the documents inside that type. For instance the Annual Report in the above example will hold all documents in the formatting of the annual report branding. 


The hamburger menu behind the document name in the recently viewed by you reveals the actions you can do with the document, depending on your user rights. 


Click a document to open it, or click on the document types icons to go the correct document type and select your document to open there. 


After you have selected the document type, Tangelo will display a list of documents to edit. 


Open the document by clicking on the document. Or use the hamburger menu to use other options (depending on your user rights)



Creating a PDF of a document

In the screen above you can select Create PDF. This will prompt a window to generate a full PDF of the whole document without editing the document. 


Some options can be set, for example, if the document uses different versions, the Show changes menu will show the option to compare different versions of the document in a PDF output. 

To generate the PDF click on the PDF button: mceclip6.pngand Tangelo will generate a full PDF of the document, this is the end result of the document. If needed select the Print option at Format to generate the full print ready version of the document. 


Opening a document

Click on the document, or select Edit in the hamburger menu to open the document. 

Tangelo will show the tree structure of the document, with all sections, chapters, paragraphs etc. In some cases the tree will not be expanded and it will look like this: 



Click on the mceclip9.pnglogo in front of the document title to open the document tree. Use CTRL+click to open the whole tree and view all sections / chapters / paragraphs, etc.

Double click on a title of a section to open the Tangelo editor. 




The hamburger menu has extra options per section:


Adding a section / chapter / paragraph / subparagraph

To add something to the document tree, use the Add menu hamburger menu. Depending where you are located inside the document tree, options will appear. For example: a paragraph is always nested inside a chapter and a subparagraph inside a paragraph. Adding a paragraph in a section is not possible since it is a child of a chapter and will therefor not appear in the add menu when using the hamburger menu on a section. 


In the above case we can add a chapter to a section, but only a chapter, no paragraph. Or we can add a section before or after this section. The same goes for paragraphs and subparagraphs, it depends where in the tree you are located. 


Moving things around

Moving of chapters / paragraphs etc, is very easy in Tangelo. Use the hamburger menu and go to the move menu


You can manually move something one place above or one place below it's current position in the tree. 

Tangelo uses a hierarchy or levels. So a paragraph can not be moved to the same level as a chapter. You can cut or copy and past sections / chapters / paragraphs, etc, but pasting can only be done at the same hierarchy level. Since that level determines the design. 


Removing a section / chapter / paragraph / subparagraph

To remove a section / chapter / paragraph / subparagraph or anything else from the document tree, use the hamburger menu and select Delete. Please note that once it's deleted, it is deleted forever and that content can not be recovered anymore. 


Editing a chapter

Double click on a node in the tree to edit that specific section / chapter / paragraph, etc.